Wednesday, April 4, 2007

First Post

Well, I finally bit the bullet and did it. After months of threatening to write my own blogging pages for my website, I realized that I never get anything done, so I've created a blog on Blogspot. I don't really have any clear ideas of what's coming, but the first couple of posts that pushed me to actually register a blog deal mostly with random ideas that I think are funny, or cool, as well as the ever exciting goings-on of the C unit.

For those of you unaware, I live in unit C of a fourplex with two other guys, and the letter "C" has become an inescapable part of everyday life. As a result, we had a number of "C" themed parties, such as the "Great Big C", "C is for Christmas", "C is for Chocolate", "C is for Charite", and most recently, the "C is for Clover Leaf" parties.

As for Kavanaut.... that arose from a mispelling of our street name on some errant mail for the previous occupants of our lovely quarterplex. So we figured it would be cool to become Kavanauts, since astronaut and, to a lesser degree, aquanaut are all but out of the question.

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