Thursday, April 5, 2007


I may stand corrected. According to Wikipedia:

"An aquanaut is any individual who travels underwater, or sometimes, one who has lived and worked in a fixed underwater habitat on the seafloor or other underwater location for a period equal to or greater than 24 continuous hours without returning to the surface."

Given the upswing (from nothing to something, I suppose) in the space tourism industry, and the small likelihood that I'll ever want spend 24 hours under water (barring major icecap meltage), I now consider it equally improbable that I'll become either an aquanaut or an astronaut.

Not all is lost, however, as I now take this opportunity to lay down some solid guidelines for what it takes to become a Kavanaut:

"A Kavanaut is any resident of the C unit who has consumed, at minimum, half a shot of Polish plum brandy, while being an occupant of the C unit for a period equal to, or greater than, 12 continuous hours without returning to the real world."

Dare ye enter? Arr...


Jonathan said...

We should start a business catering to people who want to become Kavanauts. "Package deal includes chance to clean dishes and do household chores at the actual C-Unit while under supervision of the original Kavanauts!"

Doogie said...

Where do I sign?